Thursday 26 April 2012

Week 8: Non-human Anatomy

A roughly 10 minute anatomy study of a bird, this image makes anatomical sense and the proportions are well placed. The wings and tail feathers are good, though the tail feathers could perhaps do with being a bit longer. It is also clear that the bird is looking down at an angle, even though you cannot see the eyes in the picture, the information gained from the position of the beak can inform you of this.

Another roughly 10 minute anatomy study, this is also a successful image as the pose is immediately clear. The rough way in which the feathers not on the head have been drawn gives a great sense of depth and form to the bird, helped by the shadow it casts. The head is well defined, though perhaps not immediately obvious as to its positioning due to the shading. Both the legs and the beak help to give the bird a pose which makes sense, and also make it feel very grounded on a surface.

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