Thursday 26 April 2012

Week 9: Urban Interiors - Modern

A 15 minute landscape study of modern interiors. As a composition this is effective, there are lots of lines, such as the window and one that traces the three cubes at the bottom, point into the centre of the drawing, which the eye can then follow any one of out again. It also follows rule of thirds somewhat, with the glass panes making up two thirds and the building making up the left third. The cubes in the bottom also roughly fill a horizontal third of the image.

The perspective in this image is effective for the same reason as the composition, the multiple lines of the glass clearly point toward a horizon line in the centre. The lines in the building to the left do this equally well, also showing the form and curve of the building. The curves on the glass are represented well in this same way, as the lines do not seem random but do follow curves that make sense.

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